Apple’s app development curriculum makes it easy for anyone to teach and learn code. Discover free resources and lessons for developing apps in Swift.
Learn how Apple’s free Everyone Can Code resources make it fun and easy for both teachers and students to get started with iPad and Swift Playgrounds.
Swift Playgrounds is an iPad and Mac app that teaches you to write Swift code in a fun, interactive way. Learn the code developers use to build apps.
See how Montgomery County Public School District, with over 161,000 students, is coding a path to equal access with Apple programming language, Swift.
Tap into curriculums and resources to help students transform their ideas into apps, whether they’re new to code or already pro developers.
iOS 18 brings deeper customisation, new ways to connect, easier-to-find photos and support for Apple Intelligence.
Apple Fitness+ has something for everyone. Choose 5- to 45-minute sessions — from HIIT to Meditation, with personalised recommendations. Try it free.
Discover how a school outside Mexico City is using iPad and Mac to teach entrepreneurship and independent thinking.
iCloud+ provides additional storage and enhanced privacy protections to keep all your photos, files, notes and more safe and available from anywhere.
AirPlay effortlessly streams your music, videos, photos, podcasts and games from many Apple devices to speakers in multiple rooms or to your TV.
MacBook Pro laptop with M4, M4 Pro and M4 Max chips. Built for Apple Intelligence. Up to 24 hours of battery life. Liquid Retina XDR display.
Mac mini with the M4 and M4 Pro chips. Built for Apple Intelligence. With front and back ports. Get credit when you trade in an eligible Mac. Buy now.
iPad is so versatile, it’s more than up to any task. Get things done in both fun and powerful ways with iPad.
iPad is so versatile, it’s more than up to any task. Get things done in both fun and powerful ways with iPad.
iPad is so versatile, it’s more than up to any task. Get things done in both fun and powerful ways with iPad.
The new, smaller Mac mini with M4 and M4 Pro chips. Built for Apple Intelligence. Now with front and back ports. And the first carbon-neutral Mac.
iPad is so versatile, it’s more than up to any task. Get things done in both fun and powerful ways with iPad.
iPad is so versatile, it’s more than up to any task. Get things done in both fun and powerful ways with iPad.
We’re taking action to address systemic racism by expanding opportunities for communities of color. Because an equitable world is a better world.
Apple products, including Apple Intelligence, are designed to protect your privacy, because privacy is a fundamental human right.
Apple products, including Apple Intelligence, are designed to protect your privacy, because privacy is a fundamental human right.
Apple products, including Apple Intelligence, are designed to protect your privacy, because privacy is a fundamental human right.
Discover the MacBook Pro laptop with the M4 family of chips, built for Apple Intelligence. Get credit when you trade in an eligible Mac. Buy now.
The latest features, updates and more in Pages for iOS, iPadOS and macOS.
Pages lets you create stunning documents on a Mac, iPad or iPhone — or on a PC using iWork for iCloud. And it’s compatible with Apple Pencil.
Become part of the connection that strengthens the relationship people have with their Apple products.
Apple products and resources help make learning personal, creative and inspiring — and have privacy, accessibility and sustainability built in.
iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max. Built for Apple Intelligence. Durable titanium design. Camera Control. 4K 120 fps Dolby Vision. A18 Pro chip.
iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus. Built for Apple Intelligence. Camera Control. 48MP Fusion camera. Five vibrant colours. A18 chip.
The new Mac Pro with M2 Ultra combines our most powerful Apple silicon yet with PCIe expansion for the ultimate in workstation-class performance.