I install all the upgrades when available but recently after the last upgrade I tried to run my Malwarebytes and the box came up "Quit unexpectedly" How do I get this up and running so I can access it? [Re-Titled by Moderator]...
Is there free malware for macs? IS Malwarebytes stilll free?
I purchase Malwarebytes monthly through Apple ID. I want to discontinuing purchasing this app. I don't need it anymore....
I cannot click on most links in Chrome. I downloaded Malwarebytes and ran it at the suggestion of an Apple Genius at the store. It did nothing. I am unable to click on most links....can anyone help?...
My Google Chrome suddenly switched to Microsoft Bing and I can’t remove it (virus)
Searched all over the Internet, and all the advice is not helping. I keep trying to remove the Malwarebytes Icon from the menu bar in the top right corner. I've deleted the program but I cannot get rid of the icon. I press command and drags it out and it snapped right back to the menu bar. I've looked on System Preferences under dock and there's nothing in regards to removing icons from menu bar. Does anybody know how to remove an icon from the menu bar specifically in the macOS Catalina...
This weird message has just started popping up on my MacBook Pro tonight. The only thing I've changed in the last 24 hours is installing some new fonts. How do I get rid of it?...
I have used the free version of Sophos on my mac for years and recently it looks like they've changed the platform to a paid version only. Does anyone know of a free or low-cost alternative? I have downloaded a couple already and as soon as they detect any type of issue they want you to sign up for a subscription in order to fix anything. Sophos was easy and free and took care of the basics. (I'm old school so I remember a time when mac users didn't even have to think about viruses and malware)....
I cannot get rid of marquis in my browser despite many attemps!
How do I get rid of the pop up malware that says "Your computer is low on memory. To free up space close some apps..."?
it keeps having this sh thing ask for permission to control safari and i want it to stop how do i do that. everytime i press don't allow it keeps popping up...
Hi There , can a file name be /folder name be like this .8AE4963D-4C91-4A9B-81DB-31E19FAC726C .its type is unix Executable file , which is hidden. Is it could be a Malware . My Chrome browser has an extension called Creative assist ,which is saying that my chrome is controlled by an organisation on system level. Trying to delete Malware , but found the above.can I delete them? By the way , this malware is controlling my chrome on system level , redirecting to other site and again changing search...
Am locked out of my computer saying :access to this pc been blocked for security reasons and asking me to call Apple Support *** (Security Helpline) is this a legit number or entity? [Personal Information Edited by Moderator]...
I've finished program install but found pop up always if I uncheckd nothing and found all the time. I follow troubleshoot on the article regist new profile not found error and I've already up to date the OS....
Low memory waning keeps appearing.How do I clear memory?
how to remove marquis from MacBook air
How do you get rid of search marquis? [Re-Titled by Moderator]
the computer takes too long to restart
Hi Search marquis has overtaken my search engine. Has anybody got any up to date information on how I can remove this? Many thanks....
How to get rid of Marquis extension, I tried to remove the extension but it is still persisting Thank you
How do I get rid of search marquis virus
How do I remove Search Marquis from my MAC
What's the best way to remove Search Baron malware on my iMac Safari browser? I have Monterey OS.
If I use the transfer tool, will virus's on my current Mac transfer to my new machine?
my browser is redirected to searchmarquis.com. Even when I click on a link it redirect to searchmarquis - help
So I do agree nothing is hack proof. But I wanted to get a feel from other macbooks on how secure do they think their macbooks are and if they had virus or malware issues ever? I do web design and there were 2 instances where I feel malware was able to get login info or infect files from my macbook. Also my login info was stolen for a bank and emails which only would have happen thru macbook (maybe). Do I need any anti-virus softwares or scans I need to perform....
This message came up when I was opening a new window in the Safari browser and makes all sorts of threats if I don’t call Apple Support at 1-866-726-**** and follow Virus removal procedure immediately. I’m always wary of these things and just want to know if anyone else has run across this particular warning. [Re-Titled by Moderator]...
every device i own is being monitored because i have been illegally enrolled in the developer progran, education, enterprise and beta. the apple platform security and apple platform deployment guide explain very thoroughly that device management or supervision can be done manually and then automatically on boot through various identifiers. this is a major violation of my privacy and a huge flaw is apples privacy and security design. there is no accountability or authentication when employers or...
Proccess : amsaccountsd Activity : accounts/account-type-with-identifier-sync EtreCheckPro