“Disclaimer” is a gripping psychological thriller in seven chapters, starring Academy Award winners Cate Blanchett and Kevin Kline. Written and directed by five-time Academy Award winner Alfonso Cuarón, “Disclaimer” is based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Renée Knight. Acclaimed journalist Catherine Ravenscroft (Blanchett) built her reputation revealing the misdeeds and transgressions of others. When she receives a novel from an unknown author, she is horrified to realize she is now the main character in a story that exposes her darkest secrets.
As Catherine races to uncover the writer’s true identity, she is forced to confront her past before it destroys her life and her relationships with her husband Robert (Sacha Baron Cohen) and their son Nicholas (Kodi Smit-McPhee). The ensemble cast includes Lesley Manville, Louis Partridge, Leila George and Hoyeon, and features Indira Varma as the narrator.
Cast & Crew
Cate Blanchett
Kevin Kline
Sacha Baron Cohen
Lesley Manville
Alfonso Cuarón
Created By
Executive Producer
Gabriela Rodriguez
Executive Producer
David Levine
Executive Producer
Steve Golin
Executive Producer
Trailers & Videos
Press Contacts
Ashley Sugarman
Alizée Serena
Susana VoetsOutside of the U.S.