Apple’s app development curriculum makes it easy for anyone to teach and learn code. Discover free resources and lessons for developing apps in Swift.
Learn how self-taught app developer and University of Waterloo student Zoey Vu is using Swift and Apple technology to honor her Vietnamese heritage.
Learn how Apple’s free Everyone Can Code resources make it fun and easy for both teachers and students to get started with iPad and Swift Playgrounds.
See how Montgomery County Public School District, with over 161,000 students, is coding a path to equal access with Apple programming language, Swift.
Apple Fitness+ has something for everyone. Choose 5- to 45-minute sessions — from HIIT to Meditation, with personalized recommendations. Try it free.
Numbers for Mac lets you import an Excel spreadsheet into Numbers from your Mac or a PC. And now anyone can collaborate on a spreadsheet in real time.
Apple community partners Ellis Marsalis Center for Music and Arts New Orleans put the city’s aspiring young artists in the spotlight.
Use the sitemap to find your way around Learn about and shop our products including the iPhone, Mac, iPad, Apple Watch, and more.
Tap into curricula and resources to help students transform their ideas into apps, whether they’re new to code or already pro developers.
Built-in features for a range of cognitive needs can help you streamline tasks and make your day-to-day easier in the ways that work best for you.
Keynote for Mac lets you import a PowerPoint presentation into Keynote from your Mac or PC. And anyone can collaborate on a presentation in real time.
Pages for Mac lets you easily import a Word document into Pages from your Mac or a PC. And now anyone can collaborate on a document in real time.
See how software engineering student Michelle's involvement with Swift Coding Club inspired her to create iOS apps and help others.
Education moves everyone forward. Our partnerships around the world help enable people to have greater access to education.
Learn about the community, culture, and opportunities at our Austin location.
iPad is so versatile, it’s more than up to any task. Get things done in both fun and powerful ways with iPad.
iPad is so versatile, it’s more than up to any task. Get things done in both fun and powerful ways with iPad.
iPad is so versatile, it’s more than up to any task. Get things done in both fun and powerful ways with iPad.
Discover how a K-12 school outside Mexico City is using iPad and Mac to teach entrepreneurship and independent thinking.
iPad is so versatile, it’s more than up to any task. Get things done in both fun and powerful ways with iPad.
iPad is so versatile, it’s more than up to any task. Get things done in both fun and powerful ways with iPad.
with dignity and respect and health is safeguarded. We do this by consistently raising the bar that suppliers must meet in order to continue doing business ...
Maps is packed with smart features that make getting to and getting the most out of your destination fast and easy.
Apple requires the people it does business with to comply with our principles of Honesty, Respect, Confidentiality, and Compliance, and with all applicable ...
iPadOS 18 brings new ways to work with Apple Pencil, new experiences in apps, deeper customization options, and support for Apple Intelligence.
Learn more about our commitment to doing business ethically and in full compliance with the law.
Learn how you can enable your patients to find your institution in the Health app and download their health records.
The way your Apple products are made is a reflection of our values. Values that include the people in our supply chain and the planet.
iPad Pro features the M4 chip with Apple Intelligence, 11-inch or 13-inch Ultra Retina XDR display, Wi-Fi 6E, 5G, and support for Apple Pencil Pro.
Apple Pay is an easy way to pay in stores, online, and in apps. Use it to pay in full, over time, or with rewards. It’s safe, secure, and private.