Details make the experience. These details make it brilliant.

iOS 7 set the bar for how an operating system should be. And iOS 8 moves the experience forward in so many significant yet natural ways. You’ll notice major new capabilities in the features you use every day. And completely new features that let you do things you didn’t realise you wanted to do.

Interactive notifications let you stay focused while you stay in touch.

Take action on texts, email, calendar invitations, reminders and even messages from apps like Facebook straight from their notification banners — without leaving the app you’re in. Now it’s easy to quickly reply to important messages and keep doing what you were doing.

A shortcut to who’s important.

From any screen, press the Home button twice to see the multitasking interface. At the top, you’ll notice something new: the faces of people you’ve recently talked to and — if you swipe to the right — your favourite contacts as well. Just tap one to call, text or start a FaceTime call.

New time-saving features arrive in Mail.

From your inbox, swipe to mark an email as read or flag it for follow-up. You can also easily jump between a draft email and an email in your inbox to gather the information you need to compose your message. And now when Mail recognises a reservation, flight confirmation, or phone number in an email, a suggestion appears. Just tap to add an event to your calendar or a phone number to your contacts.

Get what you need, right there in Mail.

Easily jump between a draft and your inbox so you can do things like quickly copy and paste between messages.

Never miss a date, a name or even a flight.

Tap the suggestion at the top of the screen to quickly add flight and dinner reservations to Calendar or phone numbers to Contacts.

Swipe right to mark as unread.

If you’ve read an email but want to remember to read it again later, just swipe right and switch it to Unread.

Swipe left for more options.

Swiping left lets you choose to flag a message, move it to a folder or send it to the Trash. Keep your finger moving all the way to the left to delete.

Your favourite Safari features come to iPad.

The Tab view you know and love in Safari on iPhone now appears on your iPad. You can see all your open web pages, with tabs from the same site grouped together. There’s also a new Sidebar that slides out to reveal your bookmarks, Reading List and Shared Links. So you’ll enjoy a familiar browsing experience across all your devices.

See all the sites in one place.

Tab view shows all the open tabs on your iPad as well as tabs on your other devices too.

Your favourites and more are just a tap away.

Tap the Sidebar to see your bookmarks, Reading List and Shared Links.