Business is done outside of the branch. So business is done with iPad.

For regional banks in Japan, trusted relationships are the foundation of their business. With the powerful capabilities of iPad, financial advisors often visit their customers’ homes, where life plans, investment trusts and help with managing assets can be discussed in private. iPad makes it possible to access up-to-the-minute market information, get electronic signatures with Apple Pencil and leave more time for advisors to talk with customers about their needs. And because iPad and iPadOS are secure by design, company and customer information are protected.

At a glance

600iPad Pro devices deployed
21KHours saved annually

With iPad, the couch is the branch.
Customers prefer iPad and hot tea for reviewing financial matters.

Paperless Negotiations

Custom apps can start the conversation.


iPad connects. Among other things.

Faster Proposals

Market reports.
Electronic signatures.
In an instant.

Only with Apple

Zero-Touch Deployment

iPadOS apps are as easy to manage as they are powerful to use. Employing Apple Business Manager and Mobile Device Management solutions, Tochigi Bank can seamlessly introduce and manage devices, and distribute and update the apps employees use every day.

Privacy and Security

From Face ID to encryption, Apple products are designed to be secure and private. This is especially important when handling customer financial products and information. Attention to security is crucial for Tochigi Bank, all the way down to electronic signature with Apple Pencil.


iPad and banking. Run the numbers.

Investment trust applications are 30 per cent quicker from receipt to completion.

Using apps for investment trust sales has reduced paper usage by 80 per cent.

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