Apple Canada Inc.(所在地:120 Bremner Blvd., Suite 1600, Toronto ON M5J 0A8, Canada) 日本に居住するユーザーの場合:106-6140 東京都港区六本木6丁目10番1号 六本木ヒルズに所在するiTunes株式会社 属島、領土、所属する管轄...
For detailed steps on creating an iTunes Store package, see the Compressor User Guide. 1. From the File menu, choose New iTunes Store Package. An iTunes Sto...
a seamless XML workflow. Here’s a summary: 1. Import REDCODE RAW (R3D) files into Final Cut Pro. Important: When you import the media, make sure to deselect...
For example, you don’t have to take time on every edit to make sure all of the dialogue audio is patched and edited onto audio tracks 1 through 8 in the tim...