Music Provider: Frequently Asked Questions

How can I offer my content on iTunes?

To offer your content on iTunes, complete the application.

Can I work directly with Apple or should I use an aggregator?

Aggregators are experts in delivering content to iTunes. For a fee, they can correctly format and deliver your content to Apple’s specifications. View Apple-approved aggregators.

If you meet all application requirements, you can sign up to offer your content by working directly with Apple. If you don’t meet the requirements or if you have other operational or financial needs, it may be best to work with an aggregator.

What is the difference between an aggregator and an encoding house?

Aggregators are experts in delivering content to iTunes. They can also provide you with Universal Product Codes (UPC) and International Standard Recording Codes (ISRC) and distribute your music across multiple channels. Apple pays the aggregator for sales, and the aggregator then pays the content owner.

An encoding house can format music videos or concert films and deliver your content directly to your account on your behalf. Payments for content delivered by encoding houses are made from Apple to the content owner.

Do I need an Apple ID to offer my music on iTunes?

Yes, you must have an Apple ID and a current credit card on file with the iTunes Store. If you don’t have an Apple ID, you will need to create one using iTunes.

How much does it cost to sign up to offer my content on iTunes?

Signing up to offer your music on iTunes is free. Additional details on the sales terms are available during the sign-up process.

Do I need a Universal Product Code (UPC) and International Standard Recording Code (ISRC)?

Yes, both identifiers are required for all audio delivered to iTunes. The Universal Product Code (UPC) uniquely identifies an album and helps to ensure you’re marketing the right album. The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) uniquely identifies individual songs.

Do I need a US Tax ID?

Yes, a US Tax ID is required as part of the iTunes Connect sign-up and authentication process. This requirement also applies to providers not based in the US. Request a US Tax ID.

Make sure you enter your US Tax ID correctly when applying. If you are prompted to complete US tax forms on iTunes Connect, you must use the same US Tax ID.

I get an error message that my name does not match the name of the Apple ID. What do I do?

Make sure that you have entered the correct Apple ID. To edit the name associated with your Apple ID, go to

I already have an iTunes Connect account for another media type (such as apps, books or films). Can I use it to offer music content?

If you currently have an iTunes Connect account to offer apps or books, you must create a new iTunes Connect account with a different Apple ID.

If you currently have an iTunes Connect account to offer films, or if you have an Apple ID that you used to apply to offer films on iTunes and the application is pending approval, you can use that Apple ID to complete the music application.

Who should apply to offer content on iTunes on behalf of my company?

Someone with the legal authority to sign documents on behalf of your company should apply to offer content on iTunes. Only that individual can accept the standard iTunes contract on iTunes Connect.

Should I use my own name or my company’s name as the legal name?

If you’re registered as a company, enter the legal entity name. If you’re signing up as an individual, enter your first and last name. The legal name you enter should match the name associated with your US Tax ID and Tax ID type that you provide with your application.

What is iTunes Connect?

iTunes Connect is a website for iTunes content providers to manage content on the iTunes Store, including access to iTunes Producer (Apple’s app to prepare and submit content), hardware discounts, financial reports, sales and trends reports, and more.

How will I be notified of my application status?

You will be notified via email. Make sure your account is set up to receive email from and check any spam filters on your email account.

If my application is accepted, in what countries will my content be available?

After your application has been accepted, you can request contracts for all regions in which the iTunes Store offers music. When a contract for a specific region has been finalised and all other requirements have been met, music that has been delivered with territory rights cleared in that region may be made available there.

Will a music contract allow me to offer music videos, ringtones, concert films and iTunes LP?

Yes, you will be able to offer music videos, ringtones, concert films and iTunes LP.

How do I deliver content to iTunes after my contract has been approved?

After your contract has been approved, you will have access to iTunes Producer, Apple’s tool to prepare and deliver your content. Note that music videos and concert films cannot currently be delivered using iTunes Producer. You will need to work with an Apple-approved encoding house to deliver music videos and concert films.

How do I get more information about submitting music to the iTunes Store?

For questions about submitting music to the iTunes Store, email