Marketing Your Book on iBooks.

Building awareness with an audience requires planning and effort. Familiarize yourself with these tools and tips to make your marketing engaging, accurate and effective.

Build a plan

Create a multiphase marketing schedule that includes all of your planned promotional efforts, from the pre-order phase up until your next book’s publication.

Show off your book

Think about your customer’s experience on the iBooks Store and make sure the cover, title, description, screenshot images and series information are approached with care.

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Follow Marketing Guidelines

Use the iBooks badge on email, websites, print ads, within apps — wherever you promote your books offered on iBooks.

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Use our tools

Take advantage of the numerous free marketing tools — widgets, banners and more.

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Leverage your media

Use your website, blog and email list to effectively communicate with your readers. Leverage social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter to grow your community of readers.

Think mobile

Your readers are learning about and buying your books on their iPad and iPhone, not just on their Mac or PC. Make sure your marketing communications look great and work great where your audience is spending their time.

Join the Affiliate Program

Track your efforts and make your marketing pay. The Affiliate Program is free to join.

Get started

If you have not yet activated your iBooks Store account, get started today. Our FAQ answers the most commonly asked questions. Apple also provides support to iBooks Store authors and publishers via email and phone.