Sensitive Content Warning

  • Photos and videos that you receive or try to send that may contain nudity are blurred by your device in selected Apple apps. Apple cannot access these photos and videos. You decide whether to open or send them.

    Before opening a blurred photo or video:

    • Ask yourself: “Do I know and trust this person?” If not, delete it.
    • Tell a trusted adult if you feel pressured or intimidated, or if the photo or video is from an adult.

    Before sending a nude photo or video:

    • Ask yourself: “Is someone pressuring me to share it?” If so, don’t send it. Get help from a trusted adult.
    • Once you send a photo or video, it could be forwarded or posted publicly.  
    • Never share nude or intimate photos of other people. It’s a betrayal of trust.  


    • Sending nude photos or videos isn’t necessary for a good relationship.
    • Just because you trust someone now doesn’t mean you’ll trust them in the future.
    • If you lose control of your photo or video, there are people and resources to help you.

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  • To stay safe online:

    • Be careful about interacting online with people you don’t know in person. They may not be who they say they are.
    • Avoid sending or exchanging nude or intimate photos or videos, and avoid conversations that are sexual in nature, especially with adults or people you don’t know in person.
    • If someone harasses you sexually, or solicits nude photos or videos, save the evidence, report the content, block or mute the account, and tell a trusted adult.
    • Avoid in-person meetings with people you meet online.  
    • Don’t measure your life based on what others post.  
    • Be honest about your age when signing up for apps that ask for it. Some apps have built-in protections for teens.
    • Think carefully before sharing personal information about yourself, family members and friends.
    • Use strong and unique passwords, and don’t share them. When possible, use two-factor authentication and fingerprint or facial recognition.
    • Know how to block and report posts, conversations or people that make you uncomfortable.
    • Don’t post anything that might embarrass you now or in the future.  
    • Treat people respectfully, and don’t respond to mean or disrespectful comments.
  • People who want to abuse you sexually may start by befriending you to gain your trust. It’s called grooming. Be on the lookout for warning signs of grooming.

    The person might:

    • Try to establish a close friendship with you quickly.
    • Contact you on multiple apps.  
    • Message you a lot.  
    • Ask you to engage in a live chat, or video or voice conversation.  
    • Give you money or gifts and ask you to hide them.
    • Attempt to isolate you from friends or family.
    • Talk about romance, love or sex.
    • Request nude or sexually explicit photos or videos.  
    • Ask you to hide the relationship from friends or family.
    • Blame you for what’s happening.  
    • Claim that you will get into trouble if you tell anyone.
    • Threaten to hurt you, your family, a pet or other loved ones if you say anything.
    • Try to convince you to feel sorry for them.

    If you notice any of these signs, it’s not your fault. Get help from someone you trust.

  • If someone is repeatedly mean to you or others online, that’s harassment. Imagery containing nudity can be used to harass. It’s not your fault. No one deserves to be treated cruelly or made to feel uncomfortable.

    If you are being harassed online:

    • Stay calm, and don’t retaliate. Responding in anger can escalate and prolong the situation.
    • You do not need to respond. If someone sends you an inappropriate image or content that makes you uncomfortable, you can get help.
    • Save the evidence. Take a screenshot of the content.
    • Report the content, and block or mute the account. If you see this person at school or work, you can report the event.
    • Reach out for help. Talk to someone you trust for support.  

    If you’re aware of someone being harassed online:

    • Keep cool. You can stand up for a friend, but never retaliate.
    • Show your support. If possible, send a kind message to the person being harassed.