PRESS RELEASE 11 June 2007

Apple Introduces Safari for Windows

Public Beta Available Today for Mac & Windows

SYDNEY, Australia—12 June 2007—Apple today introduced Safari™ 3, theworld’s fastest and easiest-to-use web browser for Windows PCs and Macs. Safari is thefastest browser running on Windows, based on the industry standard iBench tests, rendering webpages up to twice as fast as IE 7 and up to 1.6 times faster than Firefox 2. Safari joinsiTunes in delivering Apple’s legendary user experience to both Windows andMac users as well as full support of open Internet standards. Safari 3 featureseasy-to-manage bookmarks, effortless browsing with easy-to-organise tabs and a built-in RSSreader to quickly scan the latest news and information. Safari 3 public beta is availabletoday as a free download at
“We think Windows users are going to be really impressed when they see how fast andintuitive web browsing can be with Safari,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO.“Hundreds of millions of Windows users already use iTunes, and we look forward toturning them on to Safari’s superior browsing experience too.”
Safari has always been the fastest browser on the Mac and now it’s the fastest browseron Windows, loading and drawing web pages up to twice as fast as Microsoft Internet Explorer 7and up to 1.6 times faster than Mozilla Firefox 2.* The speed of Safari combined with itsintuitive user interface lets users spend more time surfing the web and less time waiting forpages to load. Other Safari features now available to Windows users include SnapBack™,one-click access to an initial search query; resizable text fields; and private browsing toensure that information about an individual’s browsing history isn’t stored.
Safari 3 supports all modern Internet standards so users can view websites as they were meantto be seen, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SVG and Java. Safari software updates aredelivered seamlessly through Apple’s Software Update application, which automaticallychecks for updates.
Pricing & Availability
The free public beta of Safari 3 is available immediately as a download at, and is preview software licensedfor use on a trial basis for a limited time. The final version of Safari 3 will be availableas a feature in the upcoming Mac OS X version 10.5 Leopard, and will be available as a freedownload to Mac OS X Tiger and Windows users in October.
System Requirements
Safari 3 for Mac OS X requires Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.9 or later, a minimum of 256MB ofmemory and is designed to run on any Intel-based Mac or a Mac with a PowerPC G5, G4 or G3processor and built-in FireWire. Safari 3 for Windows requires Windows XP or Windows Vista, aminimum of 256 MB of memory and a system with at least a 500 MHz Intel Pentium processor.
*Performance will vary based on system configuration, network connection and other factors.Testing conducted on an iMac 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo system running Windows XP, with 1GB ofRAM.
Press Contacts:
Fiona Martin
(02) 9641 8230
John Marx
(02) 9641 8399
    Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, Mac OS, Macintosh, Safari, iTunes, SnapBack and FireWire are trademarks of Apple. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.